Murder on the First Express

(A system-agnostic module for tabletop role-playing games.)

Your party has heard many rumors about a newly invented means of transportation, which travels at such immense speed as to make crossing an entire continent possible within a week. A short while ago, you received invitations from a mysterious benefactor (someone relevant to your party members’ backstories?) to ride one of these new “trains”, and your group jumped at the chance. Their amazement is cut short, however, when the train passes through a tunnel. It lurches to the side, you hear the sound of shattered glass, and when the sun’s light returns, one of the passengers lies on the ground, dead. The police at your destination are so catastrophically bad at their jobs that they haven’t made a correct arrest in fifty years, so you need to find out who really did it or one of your own might have to answer for the crime.


Your party members aren’t alone on the train. There are several other people who got on the train somehow, and they’re all equally suspicious.

Dr. Breen

The murder victim. Breen was a vicious monopolist, in charge of Dr. Breen’s Private Reserve, the only water company for miles after he priced all of his competitors out of business. He’s made more enemies than friends, and he’d be at the top of anyone’s “Most Likely to Get Murdered On A Train’s Maiden Voyage” list.

In conversation, Breen is dismissive and rude.

Dr. Breen attempted to poison Snow with his second hip flask to keep him quiet, but accidentally drank from the other flask after Snow switched them. The highly concentrated cholera killed Breen within a matter of seconds.

It doesn’t come up in the story, but after he died, his consciousness was transferred into an earthworm.

John Snow

Snow is the local doctor and a strong proponent of germ theory. He spends his time researching the transmission and prevention of cholera, and believes that he has found a link. He was invited by the same benefactor as you

John Snow has discovered that Dr. Breen’s water is carrying cholera, and is in the process of convincing the press to run his story.

Gordon Freeman

Gordon is an anti-industrialist, with a history of sabotaging factory equipment, including at Dr. Breen’s water processing plants. Dr. Breen isn’t bothered much by this, since he’s generally ineffective and having an enemy helps distract the public from his monopoly.

We have nothing to lose but our chains and our security deposit!

Gordon is a short-term amnesiac. He has forgotten Breen’s face, and will not realize who he is unless the players tell him. When he’s told, he says he totally would have done it, and becomes convinced that he is the murderer, despite not being armed at the time of death. If told that someone is Breen, he will start making plans to kill them, but will usually forget these plans before completing them.

Steel Wool

Steel Wool is a police officer. He carries a gun, but is unaware of this fact due to being deaf in one ear, and will deny having a gun when questioned. When he swears, he subconsciously fires his gun to censor himself. If the players initiate combat, he will attack using melee, either unarmed or using the gun as an improvised bludgeoning weapon.

Dr. Breen deserved it. He laundered.

Whoever the killer is, has dark hair!

Carrie Nation

Carrie Nation is a radical prohibitionist with an axe. She doesn’t have a ticket, but the conductor is too scared to ask her for one in case she can smell the beer he had last night. She also has a parrot, which has no historical basis.

SQUAWK! BEER! Her parrot can smell alcohol.


Sleeper Cars

Each of the passengers has a room in one of the sleeper cars, and you can inspect their rooms to learn about them and their backstory.

After the murder, Snow will lock himself in his room and refuse to answer anything more than basic questions. He believes he is guilty, since he switched the flasks, but if you can get him to open up, he will tell you what he knows, and can identify the deadly concentrated cholera.

If you inspect Gordon’s room, you will find a crowbar covered in dried blood and a hit-list. There are hundreds of entries, each with a slightly different misspelling or rearrangement of Breen’s name. Some of the entries have completion dates. If you tell him that the person who died is Breen, he will mark off a random name from his list as soon as he can.

Livingroom Car

A recreation of a contemporary livingroom, this car has several seats, a glass coffee table, a chandelier, and a fireplace. The body is here. It’s bruised and bleeding, but it’s impossible to tell at a glance which wounds are from the table or the chandelier and which are from a potential murder weapon.

Cafeteria Car

The lunch lady staffing the cafeteria wasn’t there at the time of the murder, so she couldn’t have done it. She’ll tell you what she’s seen, and give you an extra chicken nugget if it looks like you’re having a bad day.


Roleplay warmup

In the livingroom car

Everyone except the conductor and the lunch lady are in the room, making casual conversation. Each member of the party will decide who they would like to speak to until the story progreses.

Breen is sitting in an armchair, deeply immersed in reading the newspaper. If the party attempts to talk to him, he will shoo them away and ignore further attempts at conversation. Player characters know who Breen is, and you can tell them public knowledge about his backstory.

Snow doesn’t drink, so the flask on his side remains unopened. He is sitting opposite the table from Breen. If your party speaks with Snow, he will give vague overviews of his research into Cholera, but will not go into depth, since the players are laypeople.

Carrie Nation is pacing behind Breen, ominously sharpening her axe. If the players talk to her, she will want to discuss prohibition, and will be very disapproving if the players have had any alcohol recently (ask them before starting the conversation; she can tell).

If the players speak to the parrot, choose a random character; the parrot will tell the party that they did it. Nothing has happened yet.

Officer Steel Wool is standing in the corner, with his gun pointed toward the ceiling and his finger on the trigger. If your party has a spellcaster, Steel Wool will hassle them for their potionmaking license. He will also mention that he’s on the train to observe Carrie Nation, under suspicion of vandalism.

Gordon Freeman is standing in the corner, glancing eagerly at the other people in the car. If the party talks to Gordon, he will hand each of the players a pamphlet about Breen’s company and its perceived crimes against him specifically.

Describe these events in between player conversations.

Inciting Incident

The train enters a tunnel, and lurches to the side, throwing you off balance. Someone shouts “What the $?!@”, and you hear a gunshot, followed by a cacophony of shattering crystal and wrenching metal. When the light returns, you see, between the glittering wreckage of a fallen chandelier and the fractured remains of a glass table, the mangled body of Dr. Breen, doubled over and damp with fresh blood. Beside his head lie fragments of his ceramic flask.

Frantically, you look around the room. You see Steel Wool, holding a smoking gun, and Carrie Nation, brandishing her axe defensively. John Snow is shrinking back from the sight of the corpse and the blood sprayed all over him, and flees to his room. Gordon remains in the corner, frozen in shock. Players can choose to investigate the room, speak with the others, or retire for the night. The others won’t be very coherent, after what just happened in front of them.

The following morning

After the panic, you and the other passengers were tossing and turning for most of the night. You awake when the morning light filters through your window, having slept only three or four hours. Some of the others are already awake, and their rooms are unlocked.
